【Xbox360】《索尼克CD Sonic the Hedgehog CD》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-01 14:41:45

  【Xbox360】《索尼克CD Sonic the Hedgehog CD》金手指下载,下面为玩家带来的索尼克系列游戏的金手指内容,喜欢索尼克CD这款游戏的玩家可以来关注一下。

Sonic the Hedgehog CD

BACK+START 打开金手指菜单

  Title ID .........: 584111F1

  Media ID .........: 6828D791

  TU0 +6

  Freeze Timer - (LB + A)

  Infinite Lives - (LB + B )

  Max Rings - (LB + X)

  Fast Special Stage - (LB + Y)

  Set Timer 999 (Special Stage) - (RB + A)

  Max Score - (RB + B )

  Max Rings:Get 1 Ring To Get 999

  Fast Special Stage:Once Activated Hit 1 UFO To Win

  Set Timer 999:Just Activate When timer Goes Low

  Max Score:Just Activate To Get Max

  (disable lives when going to an other save)


  Inf Lives

  8225FDAC 7D69512E stwx r11,r9,r10 <--Nop Inf Rings 822606F4 7D0AF82E lwzx r8,r10,r31 (39 00) 82260700 910A0008 stw r8,8(r10) Freeze Timer 8226B1B0 994BEA88 stb r10,-1578h(r11) <--Nop 8226B1F8 99073A00 stb r8,3A00h(r7) <--Nop Set Timer 999 (Special Stage) 0x82E9FCE4 <--Static Fast Special Stage 0x82E9FCE0 <--Static Max Score 0x82E69574 <--Static[/expandsub2][/expandsub1][/expand]

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